Category: Medicine and Neuroscience

Speech vs. Music in Neural Processing

Humans are born with the ability to both make music and speak. The idea that these abilities are separate is largely debated. Many say that our natural disposition for music comes from our ability to speak, or vice versa. Several components of language such as intonation and rhythm were things that we adapted for speech…
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How Does our Brain Respond to Music?

I cannot live or write without music. It stimulates the normally dormant parts of my brain that come in handy when constructing fiction. Aleksandar Hemon, Fiction Writer Music has so much power. It has been found that music activates more parts of the brain than any other known stimulus. Somehow, it can make us cry…
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Music and the Limbic System

Most people have felt the well-known rush of memories and emotions when listening to an old song. Usually, these memories are detailed recollections of the moment or time period that they listened to that particular song or genre. But why are these memories so well preserved? And what makes them different from any other memory?…
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Long Term Vs. Short Term Memory

You may remember something that you learned or experienced several years ago: this is long term memory. Unlike short term memory, memories from minutes/hours ago, long term memory refers to distant memories, usually measured from years to decades, and the lasting retention of information and skills.  Long term memories are relatively permanent compared to short…
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How is Music Related to Mental Health?

Music acts as a mechanism that helps to process emotions and can be exploited as a calming agent, or medicine for grief. It is honestly a fundamental attribute to almost every animal species, from humans to birds. All animals have their own form of music, which is special to their species, but why? What is…
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Positive Effects of Music on the Mind

It is well known today that music has several benefits. Even inside the womb, babies have responded positively to music, and many of us can see that our own mood changes when we listen to certain songs. While many effects of music on the brain are not fully understood, several studies have shown that listening…
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Binaural Beats: What Are They and How Can We Use Them?

The beginning of school is pulling up, and I know many people struggle with getting back to being focused and productive when working on their schoolwork as well as reducing their anxiety and stress. A form of therapy called binaural beats entered the market a few years ago and has been advertised as a way…
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How Does Your Voice Work?

While our voice is one of the most important parts of self-expression and our personality, many people don’t actually understand how it works. What is this “voice box” that everyone has talked about before? The phonatory system, or “voice box”, actually works with the respiratory and resonance systems to produce your voice.  The respiratory system,…
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Alzheimer’s? What is that?

I just finished performing at the Memory care facility recently – I knew these senior citizens had memory loss, but I didn’t know why that happened to them. So I decided to look it up and learn a little bit more about these sweet old people and why they are the way they are. Alzheimer’s…
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