Category: Technology and Computer Science

The symphony in DNA

Nineteen years ago, in the spring of 2003, the Human Genome Project (HGP) was finished. It accounted for approximately 92% of the human genome, with the remaining 8% being part of continued research by the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) consortium. Last month, the human genome sequence was officially declared complete— all 3 billion base pairs. The world…
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Will Computers Take Over the Music Industry?

In the past few decades, computers have become an absolutely essential part of our daily lives. The first digital computer, created by a graduate student and professor in the late 1930s, was only capable of running simple computations such as binary math and boolean operations. Since then, computers and technology have transformed the way we…
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Technology and Music

Technology, as we know it, doesn’t play a massive part in our musical experience, but it is involved more than we realize. Technology is involved in the construction of concert halls, the recording of broadcast music, and also the design and reinforcement of musical instruments. Technology came to use very early on in the music…
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Spotify Appears to be Building a Karaoke Feature

by Sandhya Mahesh For years, Spotify has been selective on which songs can display lyrics. Many songs did not have lyrics available and many regions including large parts of Asia did not have access to this feature. Since then, many new new features have started to roll out. Lyrics have been a long requested feature…
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Musical Roads

Written By: Sahana Gokul A musical road is a section of the road where, when a car drives over it, the vibrations, an “audible rumbling”, makes tunes that can be heard from inside the car alerting the driver. Many accidents have happened because a driver would doze off or get distracted while driving in a…
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Video Game Audio

Video games are widely played across the world, with hundreds and thousands of options to choose from. Nonetheless, when we think of a video game, there are are usually a few franchises that jump to our minds immediately; Mario, Call of Duty, the Wii Series, etc. But why do have games in particular grown so…
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