Does Singing in a Group Boost Mood?

Does Singing in a Group Boost Mood?

Singing in front of an audience can be stressful at times, but singing in a group won’t hurt! Actually, it will boost your mood. Many studies have been done to prove that singing in a group promotes both physical and emotional health in numerous ways.

First of all, singing is soothing. Allowing yourself a moment to sing and express yourself will make you feel accomplished and stronger than before by releasing endorphins. Another reason is that, a small organ in the ear that responds to frequencies created by singing called the sacculus. Whether a person sings good or bad, the sounds create an immediate sense of pleasure and improve the overall state of well being. It also lowers stress levels by releasing muscle tension and by decreasing the levels of a stress hormone cortisol. Singing has even more benefits such as improving sleep quality, fixing incorrect posture, strengthening the immune system, etc. 

So singing is important for mental and physical health. How is singing in a group any different? The immediate thing you notice when you start singing in a group is that you widen your circle of friends. By signing in a group, you talk and interact with many people which improves your social skills as well. One more benefit is that it boosts your self-confidence. As I said before, stage fright is common for many people, and by singing, you are overcoming that fear. When you see your peers, very likely, having the same problem, you get the feeling that you aren’t alone. Doing well and getting praise from your family and friends helps release more endorphins, making you even happier. Singing in a group may even improve external things such as presentation skills. 

Another important life skill is the ability to appreciate other singers or performers. By singing in a group, you are understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your peers. When someone else does better than you, singing in a group and interacting them as a friend, allows you to be happy for them instead of envying them. By appreciating them, you may become better yourself, better boosting your mood and lifting your spirits. 

Finally, music is a way to broaden your communication skills. You learn new ways to communicate your ideas and expressions. Through music, you are learning how to arrange your thoughts in a way everyone can understand. When what you do actually works, it improves your self-confidence and self-assurance. These reasons and many others are why singing in a group boosts your mood.

  1. Alex Daniel February 27, 2. (2019, June 12). 40 Facts About Music That Really Sing. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  2. TakeLessons Live. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2020, from

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